(2023-07-17) A week of exploration ---------------------------------- I wanted to write a long post about a very insteresting topic but it still ain't the time for that. Besides, only a week has passed. During this week though, I felt like an explorer who doesn't even have to leave his own home, because I found out that: - Haiku R1beta4 works just fine on an old MacBook Air A1370, except the Broadcom WiFi; - OpenWRT can also be installed on A1370 like a normal Linux distro; - there is plenty of awesome FOSS software that is non-GPL and even public domain; - using the public-domain oksh as the main shell is not as scary as I thought; - one-true-awk is still known as nawk in some distros; - doas really is much better than sudo; - cwm and dzen2 are really awesome (now looking for their Wayland replacements that can be built statically); - CPU/RAM monitoring can be done with simple shell/AWK scripts, and it still will be on par with what HTop can offer; - for the same reasons, no one really needs connman, volumeicon and cbatticon except when they are super lazy; - if you're really looking for a good, lightweight and non-GPL FOSS, look at the ports from OpenBSD and Plan9 first; - there even exists "zig cc" compiler which is also non-GPL and can cross-build your code to a huge amount of targets, and static linking is no problem for it as well. The following week promises no less interesting discoveries. --- Luxferre ---