(2023-05-13) Changing the pace ------------------------------ From now on, after 40 days of continuous phlogging, I'm going to post here once or twice a week instead of posting every single day. No, I'm not abandoning the platform. In fact, I have nowhere else to go. I'm going to continue developing this place as my primary alternative to the "Big Web". New sections and articles are going to appear on the main Gophermap too. However, there are three things. First, I don't want to turn this into a routine and force myself to write at least something even if I have nothing significant to write about at the very moment. After all, Gopher is often associated with the "slow movement", and for a good reason. Second, I feel the need to concentrate more on the creation process itself, not on writing about it every now and then. I'll gladly share any results of my work but I don't want to speed myself up anymore just to have something to share here on the next day. Because, combined with a full-time job I have and the health and overall living conditions far from ideal, it can be exhausting, you know. Third, the summer is coming, and despite all the circumstances, I'm going to spend more time outside and often just won't be able to physically update this phlog (theoretically, I have enough skills to automate posting from anywhere, but this kinda defeats the purpose, as my posts here are to be well thought-out and this phlog is not to be a twtxt clone). Also, I don't want to fixate on specific topics or post lengths. Yes, my first posts were mostly about computing related stuff but that's not the only type of content I'm going to share here. And don't expect every post to be a long article or an essay. In fact, I realized that, from time to time, I am kinda violating some traditions of this network by writing too long posts that are hard to swallow by some implementations like my patched Pocket Gopher LX. But on the other hand, if I have a lot to say on a particular topic, I will. And no one can stop me. So, just to let you know: if a new post appears here at least once a week, then I am alive and well and didn't lose access to my VPS. Viva la Gopher! --- Luxferre ---