(2023-05-11) Impossible solutions just take longer -------------------------------------------------- They said AWK was not suitable for handling binary data. They said AWK was not suitable for non-blocking single-character input. They said AWK was not suitable for arbitrary UTF-8 output. They said AWK was not suitable for realtime virtual CPU emulation. Especially POSIX AWK. For me, it's not interesting to solve problems that already have solutions. It's much more interesting to solve problems that might not have a solution at all. See for yourself: https://git.sr.ht/~luxferre/DALE-8A Yes, this is a CHIP-8 emulator in POSIX AWK, you're not dreaming. Yes, it can run ROMs compiled with Octo. Yes, it supports five emulation quirks, unlike my first attempt in JS that supported only two. Yes, it displays the 64x32 screen on an alternate terminal buffer 2 virtual lines per 1 physical line, using three Unicode pseudographic blocks. And trust me, this is far from the limit of what can be done with this programming language that almost hasn't changed since 1988. Just give me more time. --- Luxferre ---