(2023-04-23) "Yes - extensible is the key" ------------------------------------------ No. It isn't. How are named words in Forth-alikes different from line numbers in VTLs? I mean, semantically, they are just points in memory where control is passed to. Imagine being able to assign aliases to particular line numbers. Do they suddenly make your language more "extensible"? Or is the whole idea of "extensibility" just based upon syntax, with the main feature being your custom words look exactly like predefined ones? If that's the case, that's definitely convenient but kinda lame at the same time. In case you really need that kind of convenience, you can use VTL as a sort of "meta-assembly" that everything else compiles to. Kinda like what JS is these days. Piling up libraries, which comes as a natural result of extensibility, is not the answer. Composing your solution from tiny programs that each do one task only is more like it. At least when you're able to organize proper IPC. If you're limited to loading a single program at a time, you can recreate the same behavior within it, but it doesn't have anything to do with extensibility of the language itself. In case you're wondering, I was responding to Ken Boak aka monsonite ([1]) who had created several stack-based programming languages that, among others, inspired my creation of Equi. --- Luxferre --- [1]: https://retrocomputingforum.com/t/keeping-things-simple-tiny-languages/1441/3