MAUI knowledge base (MT6261 edition) ------------------------------------ This is a (not very well-structured) compilation of everything I have learned about MAUI OS on MT6261D/MT6261M-based feature phones manufactured since 2018. Note that I'm only talking about normal phones, not watchphones with touchscreens (they may have their own specifics). This knowledge base is published under CC0 into public domain. ## Basics ## MAUI on MT6261 is much less functional than on MT6260 and all the previous MediaTek chipsets (e.g. lacking J2ME and even MRE application support etc) but still has a lot of secrets. It usually runs on 4MB flash and 4MB RAM, and usually it's one of the three types of firmware: 1) unencrypted, partially aliced; 2) unencrypted, fully aliced; 3) fully encrypted. "Aliced" here means that a part of the OS is compressed with the MediaTek's proprietary (LZMA-based but not quite) ALICE algorithm, and in case of MT6261 it's usually ALICE_2 format. "Fully aliced" means that even the part that usually contains secret codes is inside that compressed partition. All MT626x devices (except Nokia-branded ones) respond to the *#mediatek# (*#63342835#) secret code. However, since MAUI in (genuine) Nokias is heavily modified, we won't consider them at all for the rest of this document. ## A2DP ## Some Bluetooth-enabled MAUI phones lack A2DP support. To check this without having to actually test on the Bluetooth headphones, you can run the *#1234# code to switch between various A2DP modes. If it works, A2DP is supported here. This test is pretty much universal for all MT62xx devices. Most MT6261M-based phones, even the ones that do have A2DP support, perform very poorly with Bluetooth 5.0 headsets. This problem is not solved yet. For MT6261D, the situation is better, but don't expect all the headset buttons to work correctly. ## Wallpapers ## Most MT6261-based phones have 240x320 or 128x160 display resolution and support setting JPEG, BMP or GIF wallpapers. The OS also supports monochrome WBMP (.wbm) images but they are usually not used as wallpapers. In case of JPEG, sometimes the phone may display "Unsupported format" error even after you have cropped the image to the correct size. In this case, you need to strip all extra metadata from the .jpg file using, for instance, the convert command from ImageMagick package: convert wall-orig.jpg -strip wall-opt.jpg You can also optimize the quality a bit: convert wall-orig.jpg -quality 85 -strip wall-opt.jpg ## WWW/WAP browsing ## Unless Opera Mini is installed (which is almost never the case for MT6261 phones), MAUI offers the most basic WWW/WAP browser possible. It doesn't have any CSS or scripting support (neither JS nor WMLScript, at least I wasn't able to get it to work properly even with the correct content types), has no TLS 1.3 support (1.2 maximum) and only supports these SSL/TLS cipher combos for HTTPS (looks like the internal notation is based on XySSL, which then became PolarSSL and now Mbed TLS): SSL_RSA_DES_168_SHA SSL_EDH_RSA_AES_256_SHA SSL_RSA_RC4_128_MD5 SSL_RSA_RC4_128_SHA SSL_EDH_RSA_DES_168_SHA SSL_RSA_AES_128_SHA SSL_RSA_AES_256_SHA Hence, it works e.g. with but not with modern websites. Most servers dropped support for RC4, MD5 and DES, so here are your options if you want to create a feature-phone-friendly HTTPS webpage (XySSL identifiers, numeric ids, IANA names): SSL_EDH_RSA_AES_256_SHA (id 57, 0x39) = TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA SSL_RSA_AES_128_SHA (id 47, 0x2F) = TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA SSL_RSA_AES_256_SHA (id 53, 0x35) = TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA For OpenSSL, these identifiers translate as: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA = DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA = AES128-SHA TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA = AES256-SHA In practice though, if only the first of these is enabled, then the MAUI browser still shows "communication error". So, either TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA or TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA is mandatory for HTTPS to work here. Enabling these algorithms server-side will also make your page viewable on Mocor-based phones as well, you just need to have a valid certificate. The MAUI browser, however, silently accepts all self-signed, expired and revoked certificates and certificates from untrusted roots, so if you are developing some web app purely for these devices, you might get away with a self-signed option, as well as putting your application behind a Traefik instance with proper Let's Encrypt setup. XHTML Basic 1.1 is the preferred standard of writing the documents. Here are some HTML tags you can use in MAUI-friendly pages: html, head, title, body, br, div, p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, big, small, center, b, i, u, a, img, plaintext*, input (only these types: text, password, button, submit, reset, image, checkbox, radio, hidden), select (+multiple), option, textarea, form, ul, ol, li, th, td, hr All unrecognized tags seem to behave like . * doesn't actually render any newlines in the plain text part, also recognizes the closing tag as valid contrary to the spec The MAUI browser also doesn't support any CSS styling or content coloring (even with dedicated attributes), and you most likely won't encounter monospace font support on your devices either. When entering URLs manually, you must enter http:// or https://, otherwise the browser will start searching your address in Google. Also, unlike Mocor, MAUI's browser doesn't support any non-HTTP URIs like wtai:, mailto:, sms:, smsto:, tel: and so on. But it does support HTTP Basic and Digest auth and downloading images from pages. The content served with the text/plain type is automatically prompting for download. Then you can open it with the MAUI's ebook reader (if your phone supports it). Unfortunately, neither the browser nor the reader support monospace fonts. Some vendors hide the browser menu item ("Internet service") from the main menu for some reasons but forget to remove it from the Shortcuts/Dedicated Keys configuration. This way, you can still access it on the phone. Another way is to use .url bookmark files (see below). ## iMelody (.imy) format ## MAUI supports monophonic iMelody ringtones (see the full specification saved in the LuxDocs on this server) with some MediaTek-specific extensions. For MT6261, only 8 distinct instruments are actually used for both MIDI and iMelody, and you can use the COMPOSER:MTK(number) field to change the iMelody instrument: Electric Piano: 1 Cymbals: 11 Organ: 17 Guitar: 25 Strings: 41 Trumpet: 57 Clarinet: 72 (can be 0 for iMelody) Flute: 120 Both iMelody and MIDI are perfectly looped by the ringtone player. ## MIDI (.mid) format (draft) ## General limit: 128 MIDI events per the entire file? Channel 9 is used for percussion system. Recommended software: Aria Maestosa for primary creation, MidiQuickFix (.jar) for fine event editing. All not working but interestring stuff is below: New info about msgs: #define MELODY_RTMSG_VIBRATOR_ON 0x80 #define MELODY_RTMSG_VIBRATOR_OFF 0x81 #define MELODY_RTMSG_LED_ON 0x82 #define MELODY_RTMSG_LED_OFF 0x83 #define MELODY_RTMSG_BACKLIGHT_ON 0x84 #define MELODY_RTMSG_BACKLIGHT_OFF 0x85 Supposed Backlight/LED control: 1. Bank select: MSB = 19 (0x13), LSB = 22 (0x16) 2. Patch/Instrument: 125 (Telephone Ring) 3. Control notes: D4 for backlight, G4 for vibration, C5 for LED 4. Supposed valid volume values: unknown yet D4 and G4 on the control bank lead to MAUI crash on the incoming call, C5 also crashes on the player preview possible troubleshooting: - what are valid volume values? - what if only NOTE_ON events are allowed and not NOTE_OFF? Supposed vibra control (Nokia-style): 1. Bank select: MSB = 121 (0x79), LSB = 6 2. Patch/Instrument: 125 (Telephone Ring) 3. Pre-event: Reset All Controllers (value 127) 4. Control note: F5 5. Supposed valid volume values: 0, 100, 127 6. Using channel: 15 ## Bookmark file (.url) format ## If the phone supports Web/WAP browsing (even if the vendor says otherwise and the browser is hidden from the menus), its file manager will be able to open files with the .url suffix, recognizing them as saved bookmarks. This is a way to lift the stock bookmark limit (normally up to 10 pages) by just opening them from the file manager. However, the format of these files is not the Windows-like "[InternetShortcut]" bookmark format, it's an old vBookmark format "borrowed" from SonyEricssons (just like iMelody). On opening the file, MAUI ignores all fields except the "URL" field itself. Hence, the minimum viable format of MAUI-compatible .url file looks like this: BEGIN:VBKM VERSION:1.0 URL: END:VBKM All line endings must be CRLF (\r\n). The file must end with CRLF as well. ## Audio playlist file ## Most MT6261-based phones only have a single playlist, and it's saved into the @Playlists/audio_play_list.sal file on the SD card root. The @Playlists folder has a "hidden" FAT attribute so it's not visible from the phone file manager itself. There are several versions of this audio_play_list.sal file, but the most popular (and studied) one is arranged as follows: 1) every playlist entry is a 522-byte binary chunk, and the chunks are just placed one after another (the file contains no other sections); 2) the full file path (DOS-style, with backslashes) is placed directly at the beginning of the chunk and specified in UCS-2 (aka UTF-16LE), strictly two bytes per character; 3) after the file path, two null bytes follow immediately; 4) the rest of the chunk can be filled with null bytes or random garbage. For playlist entry path, some virtual DOS drive letter is used, most commonly it's L: but sometimes it can be different. PoC (JS): ## Contact backup file ## If the phone supports contacts backup and offers the corresponding menu item, it usually creates ~vcard.vcf in the SD card root. This file isn't visible from the phone's file manager but is visible from the PC. The file itself is a sequence of vCard 2.1 records which, if backed up from the SIM (like in my case), look like this (substitute and with yours): BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;= ;;; TEL;VOICE;CELL: END:VCARD Again, all line endings in this file are CRLF (\r\n), the records are separated with double-CRLF and the file ends with CRLF as well. ## Fast language switching ## All MAUIs support switching the UI language with secret codes of the shape *#0xxx# + Call key. The xxx part corresponds to the country code. Whether or not the code works, depends on whether the language is actually present in the firmware. E.g. *#0044#[call] will switch to English, *#0380#[call] will switch to Ukrainian and so on. The *#0000#[call] code is reserved for the "default" language switch. In all MAUIs I have seen it switches to English. Some vendors may omit some languages actually present in the firmware and not assign a shortcode to them, but that's rare. ## Version screens, engineering and test menus ## Almost all non-Nokia MT626x devices have the following menus/screens available via secret codes: - software version screen; - engineering menu; - manual test menu (aka "Factory mode"); - automatic/sequential test menu. Newer phones also have hardware version screens available. The codes for all these menus can be found in the firmware dumps, but here are the most popular options based on the analysis of real MT62xx devices: - software version screen: *#8375#, *#66#, *#837#, *#837837#, *#1122#, *#18375#, *#2838*#, *#111222*#, *#5566*#, *#10201#, *#121212*#, *#48266*#, *#456#, *#1111#, *#338375#, *#32#, *#88#, *#2#, *#36#, *#1111*#; - engineering menu: *#3646633#, *#77#, *#364463#, *#13646633#, *#7788#, *#3365#, *#9646633#, *#8838#, *#64276#, *#1475369*#, *#84666364*#, *#0809321*#, *#364*#, *#4466#, *#6688432#, *#446688#, *#36951#, *#4224876#, *#2016318*#, *#6666*#; - manual test menu: *#66*#, *#88#, *#3228#, *#5566#, *#166*#, *#66#, *#711#, *#37#, *#37*#, *#258*#, *#2266#, *#96*#, *#15963#, *#18#, *#2233*#; - automatic/sequential test menu: *#87#, *#87*#, *#187#, *#55#, *#2886#, *#1122#, *#99#, *#8818#, *#15*#, *#6804#, *#2287#, *#2255*#. ## Getting to the AT command mode ## When you connect the (powered-on) MAUI phone to the PC with a proper (full-data) USB cable, there may be four situations: 1) the phone displays a selection menu that offers "Mass storage" and "COM port" and displays no errors when you select "COM port"; 2) the phone displays a selection menu that offers "Mass storage" and "COM port" but displays an error when you select "COM port"; 3) the phone automatically connects in the mass storage mode and exposes your SD card and/or internal memory as USB flash drives; 4) the phone does nothing and goes into charging only mode. In case 1, you don't need to do anything else and your phone is properly configured to receive AT commands via the USB-serial device detected in your system. Sometimes this is also true in case 4 but most frequently it is not. So in all other cases, you must enable the proper UART interface to start the USB-COM connection. To do this, go to the _engineering_ (not "factory") menu (refer to the previous section). There, you need to find the "Device" - "Set UART" - "UART setting" item. There, you'll see three configuration sections: "TST-PS config", "PS config" and "TST-L1 config" (the order might be different). Each section allows you to configure the corresponding port ("UART 1", "UART 2", "USB port" or "None") and the speed (which, for MT6261, must be left at 115200). First, you must make sure that the "TST-PS config" and "TST-L1 config" ports are set to "None" (unless you _really_ need them for some internal debugging). We're only interested in the "PS config" port for now. If you set it to "USB port", then the AT command mode will work but you'll lose the ability to connect in the mass storage mode (no popup on connection, directly goes to the AT mode) and will have to change the UART setting back and forth every time you need to switch the connection mode. If your firmware doesn't support the popup at all, this is your only option. Otherwise, you may guess one of the port settings (in case of my sample device, it's "UART 2") which enables both modes to work correctly with this selection menu. After saving the UART settings (by pressing left or center soft key), the phone will automatically turn off. After you turn it back on, the new setting will be in effect. ## Band selection and network monitor ## As MT6261 is a quad-band GSM chipset, the same _engineering_ menu usually has capabilities to change operating GSM bands: "Network setting" - "Band selection" - "SIM 1"/"SIM 2". Then the phone will ask for the confirmation that it will turn off after this operation, and offer you the following selections: "Auto", "850 band", "900 band", "1800 band", "1900 band", "850/1800", "900/1800" and "850/1900". If you press "Back", the phone will not power off. If you save the setting, it will. The network monitor is configured in the "Network setting" - "Network info" - "SIM 1"/"SIM 2" submenu. It has a bunch of individual screens to display. I won't describe them all here but the most useful ones are "RR lai info", "RR_CELL_SEL", "RR meas rep", "RR Ch Dscr", "CC chan info", "CC call info" and "CA list info". After the necessary checkboxes are selected, you press "Done" and then the LSK to confirm the setting. Then, in the idle mode, the network monitor screen is going to appear from time to time. And since you have 17 screens to scroll through (with up/down arrow keys) anyway, you can check all the boxes to get maximum information (you can omit the last five though). To me, screens 1, 2, 4, 7, 9 and 10 are the most important. Note that during a call, you can only exit the netmonitor with LSK, as the End key hangs up the call itself. To turn off the netmonitor, uncheck all the boxes in the network info setting and save the changes. ## Interesting AT commands ## Modern MT6261-based phones have a very limited command set (so-called "ULC AT" in MediaTek terms), even much more limited than the MT6261-based phones from 2015 to 2017. Even ATI, ATZ and AT+CIMI don't work. Nevertheless, some notable AT commands remain functional and very important. The biggest of them is probably AT+EGMR that has the following syntax: AT+EGMR=,[,""] where can be 0 (read) or 1 (write) and the field (quotes around it are mandatory!) is only required for write operation. The field list is as follows: - 0: (read only) Chipset ("MT6261") - 1: (read only) DSP code ("2000.00.00") - 2: (read only) DSP patch ("1.0") - 3: (read only) Firmware version string - 4: (read only) Hardware/board revision string - 5: (read/write*) Internal serial number string - 6: (read only) melody revision (doesn't work in MT626x) - 7: (read/write**) SIM1 IMEI - 8: (read only) MMI resource version (returns all "0" for all fields in MT626x) - 9: (read/write) IMEISV string (2 digits) - 10: (read/write**) SIM2 IMEI (if SIM2 slot is present) - 11: (read/write**) SIM3 IMEI (if SIM3 slot is present) - 12: (read/write**) SIM4 IMEI (if SIM4 slot is present) * changing the length of internal SN field even via AT+EGMR can lead to "phone uncalibrated" message on boot and mess up some other settings in NVRAM, so you must keep its length intact, whatever it may be ** for IMEIs, write operation only works if secure boot is not set and NVRAM is not locked IMEI-related AT+EGMR write operations require to reboot your handset in order to take effect. Now, we can also emulate keypresses on the handset in real time with AT+CKPD=""[,